
Version 10 by Stephane Carrez

This page explains how you can install the Atlas demonstrator.

GNAT compiler installation

You need an Ada compiler. You may use the GNU Ada compiler or the GNAT GPL or GNAT Pro Ada Core compilers.


  1. Go to
  2. Select the package gnat-gpl-2015-~Set bundle format to tar. # Download the archive. # At the terminal, cd to the folder where you downloaded the archive. # Execute the following "as root": <pre> # tar -xvf AdaCore-Download-[whatever_the_date.tar
  3. cd x86-linux/adagpl-2015/gnatgpl
  4. tar -zxvf gnat-gpl-2015-x86-linux-bin.tar.gz
  5. cd gnat-gpl-2015-x86-linux-bin
  6. ./doinstall

XML/Ada installation

AWS installation

AWA installation

After the installation of GNAT, XML/Ada and AWS, the best solution to build the AWA framework is by using the git repositories. To check out all the sources and the related components, then configure and build, you can use the following commands:

git clone ada-awa
cd ada-awa
./configure --with-git --enable-ahven --prefix=/usr/local

You may change the --prefix=/usr/local according to your installation. This is the directory where the AWA libraries and components will be installed. After the configure step, you should build everything with:


After all the AWA components are built, you should install them with the following command:

make install

Atlas configure

The Atlas demonstrator is now provided as a separate package and git repository. You can get the source with the next command:

git clone atlas

Once the sources are downloaded, you configure and build the demonstrator as follows:

cd atlas ./configure

If you have problems at this stage, check that you have installed AWA and that the AWA GNAT project files are located in gprbuild's path or that you setup the ADA_PROJECT_PATH environment variable correctly.

Atlas build

After the Atlas configuration, you will build the application with:


After this, you will get an executable program in bin/atlas-server: this is your Atlas server application.

Atlas database setup